Annual Physical Verification
Physical verification of last residues including properties, deceased wings, stationeries,
postal stamps, revenue stamps, bank accounts, cash, valuable records and stored
stocks etc. of regional offices, warehouses, sub-warehouses, inland containers,
depots, cold storages and agricultural investment centers is conducted on 31st March
in every year. Personnel employed at section/regional office/state warehouses/centers
of the head office are appointed as physical verifying officer for each center for
the physical verification. Received reports are examined by P. V. and audit section,
responsibility of accused personnel is determined after the examination for the
shortage/surplus and other irregularity.
Quarterly Physical Verification
As per order of Head Office Order No.- 1041 dated 15-04-2002, at present quarterly
physical verification is conducted on 30th June, 30th September and 31th December
every year, this report is being sent to the Head Office through Regional Manager
by Center Incharge after physical verification of its subordinate godowns.
Internal Audit
By the memorandum of Head Office No. 5422/audit/establishment /97-98, dated 11-07-98,
physical verification of stored stocks, assets and deceased wings at different sections
and warehouses of the headquarter and work of the record audit that had been kept
there are conducted after the formation of P.V./Audit Team(Audits Party) at headquarters/regional
office level. P.V. and audit of Audit Report is conducted by Audit Section. If any
failures, irregularities comes to light then whole of the case is presented to the
competent authority for taking action against the accused personnel. If the Audit
Party found serious irregularity on center during P.V./audits with above then provision
for giving this information immediately to the telephone / fax Head Office (competent
authority) by the senior most officer has been made. Pre Audit of the bills payable
above Rs. 5 at Head Office level is conducted through joint signature of Accountant/Senior
Auditor and Deputy Manager (Finance). Sudden inspection of subordinate warehouses
of Regional Managers is done by Regional Managers and a copy of their inspection
report is provided to the P.V. and Audit section that is being inspected. Necessary
action is being taken on examining the reports of sudden inspection drawbacks.